Great Products Do Not Win Awards Without Strategic PR

LOOK Marketing positions brand to win awards

PR brings home the hardware. A great product isn’t great until people know it’s great. And to know it’s great somebody has to tell you it’s great. That’s Public Relations. It’s award season. The best of the best are recognized for their merit and given awards for being awesome. Or they aren’t. And that sucks. […]

LOOK at Event Marketing: Biketoberfest 2024

Within the motorcycle community, Daytona Beach is pretty darn close to the mecca. With two yearly events drawing hundreds of thousands of riders from across North America to the sunshine state. Two weeks that our event marketing engine roars load. Taking place in mid-October, Biketoberfest is the little brother of the infamous Bike Week, with […]

Same Address, New Space

Welcome to our new space; we’re happy you found us! There’s a lot to check out, including some especially cool recent projects, photos that fire us up, and a closer LOOK at how we achieve world-class results for our partners.


You only get one chance to launch a New product If you tell buyers your product is good, what can you do to prove it? Produce an immersive experience. Prove to them your promises are real and better yet, let them discover it for themselves.  LOOK Marketing, a Space Coast creative idea and strategic marketing […]

July 4th Is ONE FUN DAY, More For Some Than Others

Video production can break down barriers. One of the barriers to purchase and re-purchase recreational products is for the consumer to carve out time in their busy schedules to enjoy the use of the product – be it boats, motorcycles, off road vehicles, bicycles, snowmobiles, personal watercraft, etc.

Go Ahead, Be Scared, It’s Part of Growing Your Business

It’s scary. It’s such an uncomfortable situation.
Growing a business, buying a building, taking your driving test, going on a first date…they all involve a heightened level of emotions, all of them. At some point, at some level, one of those emotions is fear – being scared – and thinking about the possible negative outcomes of a decision or action. Being scared of failure.

We make you LOOK Good.

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