Retail Zone

Dealership Merchandising Resets
BRP Inc.

BRP Retail Zone

Service: Dealership Merchandising Resets
Client: BRP Inc.


Create visual brand consistency in the showrooms of the 1500-plus North American BRP dealerships to generate greater sales of BRP vehicle accessories, apparel, and lubricants.


Build a well-branded, dedicated zone within each dealership and develop a strategically designed display of hard and soft goods matching season demands fitting for that specific dealership, all while creating visual consistency among all BRP dealerships. Deploy expert field merchandisers with a deep understanding of product segmentation and positioning to merchandise the space using strategic creativity without the necessity of a planogram.


Pre-plan visits with client project leads to understand current store situation and OEM sales goals.

Pre-plan visits with dealerships to comprehend showroom space, local customer demographics, inventory, and in-market trends.

Develop an adaptable on-site merchandising design planogram.

Deploy merchandising specialists to stores across the United States and Canada who are highly trained on merchandising best practices, client brand segmentation, and positioning to reset the BRP Zone display tooling with the latest hard and soft goods.

Educate in-store staff on merchandising best practices to help them maintain premium presentation between resets.

Measure sales following reset and advise client of follow up order opportunities based on fast-moving SKUs.


The powersport dealership customer experience has been modernized for BRP dealers receiving the service and the program has introduced proven big-retail merchandising practices to an industry that has for years been focused primarily on vehicle sales and service. The merchandising program has helped generate double-digit sales growth of BRP accessories and apparel in stores that received the Premium Merchandising Resets. The wide majority of the stores receiving the service have embraced the program and are the highest performing stores in their respective districts.

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