238 events during a pandemic and look what happened

Pull the parking brake, it’s a global pandemic. Cancel events, outlaw large gatherings, and figure out how to market your goods and services in other ways. How do brands with products that center around hands-on use engage with customers? How do we continue to create experiences that stimulate the senses and create positive memories in […]
How An NYC Commute Won “Best Public Relations”

Public Relations is the marketing communications art of having people tell your story to audiences of people that you want to hear it. There’s science and best practices behind good PR and there’s also knowing what’s a questionable seed of an opportunity and fertilizing it properly to watch it grow it into a redwood forrest. […]
LOOK at Spreading Holiday Cheer…with 300-Horsepower

We know we have something good at LOOK Marketing when we can’t wait for the second we can share it with the world. LOOK produces content and a big portion of that is web videos. In 2015 we shot roughly 5.5 terabits of imagery and from it produced and published 86 videos for our clients, with a few of them being for our own self promotion.