Go Ahead, Be Scared, It’s Part of Growing Your Business

It’s scary.  It’s such an uncomfortable situation.

Growing a business, buying a building, taking your driving test, going on a first date…they all involve a heightened level of emotions, all of them. At some point, at some level, one of those emotions is fear – being scared – and thinking about the possible negative outcomes of a decision or action.  Being scared of failure.

Being scared is normal. It’s good to realize fear yet if you give it too much space it can paralyze you…or your business.  The manner in which you react to being scared is what separates you from growing and progressing or stagnating and becoming obscure. You can sit back and watch the action from a Space Coast park bench, safe from everybody or jump into the middle of the action where you can see, smell, touch and feel everything and everybody can see, smell, touch and feel you (and your brand).

Two clichés come to mind when talking about playing it safe or pushing forward.

“The best things in life happen outside of your comfort zone.”

Scared of having a baby? Scared of buying your first house? Scared of jumping from the high board? Scared to swing at a curveball? Sure, but once you get past the fear and do it, it’s great. You just did something and controlled the outcome.

Take this to business. Are you scared of quitting your job to go to a new job?  Scared of changing vendors? Scared of new technology? Scared of going on your own? Scared of new processes? Advertising more? New markets? Expanding? Firing? Hiring? These are all things that are scary to some level but necessary for growth.  You can obviously lower the fear level with education and preparation but there is still that sense of fear that raises your heart rate when it’s time to make the final call. Or you can go the other route and do nothing and wait for something to happen.

This brings us to our second favorite cliché. We love this one as it comes from the brilliance of legendary college football coach Lou Holtz. Coach Holtz was one of the greatest pep talk speakers of all time in the locker room and now a mega popular motivational speaker in business world.

“Your business is like a tree, it’s either growing or dying,”explains Holtz. It really is that simple. Bottom line is you can’t do nothing.

It’s okay to be scared. Look at the situation, put your business in the best position to succeed and charge on. No matter what do something, the discomfort will pass and the bliss of success will take its place.


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