Great Products Do Not Win Awards Without Strategic PR

PR brings home the hardware. A great product isn’t great until people know it’s great. And to know it’s great somebody has to tell you it’s great. That’s Public Relations. It’s award season. The best of the best are recognized for their merit and given awards for being awesome. Or they aren’t. And that sucks. […]
Same Address, New Space

Welcome to our new space; we’re happy you found us! There’s a lot to check out, including some especially cool recent projects, photos that fire us up, and a closer LOOK at how we achieve world-class results for our partners.
Publicity Value, Why It’s Better Than Advertising

Though different, both advertising and publicity (public relations) are essential tools in the marketing toolkit, and can work together with other marketing initiatives to meet brand objectives. We’ll take a look at what makes them different, and why Let’s start with examining how these two marketing functions are different. How are Advertising and Public Relations […]
How An NYC Commute Won “Best Public Relations”

Public Relations is the marketing communications art of having people tell your story to audiences of people that you want to hear it. There’s science and best practices behind good PR and there’s also knowing what’s a questionable seed of an opportunity and fertilizing it properly to watch it grow it into a redwood forrest. […]
PR Win: Gigi Hadid and Sea-Doo Stars of V Magazine Cover

With the cover and a multiple-page spread in fashion glossy V Magazine featuring the world’s top supermodel, Gigi Hadid, LOOK Marketing secured a big public relations win for our client Sea-Doo. The culmination of months of LOOK Marketing’s behind the scenes PR and logistics work resulted in over 75 million people across the world being exposed […]
Social Video: Construction of New Route 1 Motorsports

Video Production: Route 1 Motorsports’ Dealership In this four-part series of social videos, we crafted an engaging story that visually narrated the exciting moments experienced as client Route 1 Motorsports saw their dream – of expanding their business with the construction of a new powersports showroom and dealership – become reality. The primary focus of […]
LOOK Scores Coverage on Fox and Friends for Sea-Doo!

Kicking off the summer season with some awesome public relations coverage for our client Sea-Doo on America’s number one rated morning cable show with an audience of nearly 2 million – Fox and Friends! And to make this an even sweeter media relations win, Fox and Friends provided over one minute of on-camera coverage discussing Sea-Doo’s popular 2017 SPARK TRIXX.
PR Scoop! ABC News Reports on Client Sea-Doo’s 2017 Lineup

We’re thrilled to have secured a huge public relations win for our client BRP Sea-Doo at the New York Boat Show! ABC News’ Charli James interviewed LOOK Marketing’s founder and Sea-Doo watercraft expert Tim McKercher about the 2017 SPARK TRIXX. With this publicity driven coverage, Sea-Doo’s 2017 product lineup was shared with an online audience of nearly 20 million people. (Interview starts at 20:02.)